

18.05.2012, 06:00 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Celanese announces emulsions price increase

Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE), a global technology and specialty materials company and a global leader in emulsion polymers, recently announced it will raise the price of all emulsions sold in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by up to € 80/MT effective June 1, 2012, or as contracts allow.


This price increase includes all vinyl acetate and acrylic based emulsions and affects applications including, but not limited to, adhesives, paint and coatings, building and construction, nonwovens, glass fiber, carpet, paper and textiles.

Customers should contact their Celanese sales representative for more details.

More information:

Celanese Corporation, Dallas, Texas, USA

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