
PolyTalk 2016

Konferenz vom 16.03.2016 bis 17.03.2016

Ort/Land: Brüssel, Belgien

Kontakt: Wolfgang Lange (

PolyTalk is our forum to engage with our stakeholders in a transparent, forward looking dialogue. PolyTalk 2016 focuses on Marine Litter.

Entitled ""Zero Plastics To The Oceans”, PolyTalk will be held in Brussels over two days and will gather international organisations, government officials, representatives from national environment ministries, NGOs, the plastics industry, as well as the research community.

Marine Litter is one of the largest emerging environmental challenges and needs to be tackled at global, regional and national level. PlasticsEurope is increasingly engaged in protecting the marine environment and encouraging stakeholders from industrial, political, scientific, non-governmental and social spheres to act together to preserve the oceans and coastal areas. With this in mind, we want to address how the plastics industry and its full value chain can support and contribute to the development of action plans against marine litter.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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PlasticsEurope AISBL

Avenue E van Nieuwenhuyse 4, box 3
1160 Brüssel



Tel.: +32 (2) 675 32 97
Fax: +32 (2) 675 39 35

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