
PET - The European PET Conference

Konferenz vom 11.10.2006 bis 12.10.2006

Ort/Land: Barcelona, Spanien

Kontakt: An Boone (

In recent years Petcore has developed from a non-profit trade association fostering PET recycling, to the European “home” for the PET value chain. The fact that we have started organising conferences should therefore not come as a surprise. PET is our business and our conferences are 100 percent focused on just that: providing value for the business, by the business.

Reading through the provisional programme you will realise that the aim of the conference is not to present you with the latest news on product development. Instead, we want to focus on what ultimately secures sustained growth of the business, with in-depth reviews by leaders in the value chain.

Every aspect of the conference has been thoughtfully considered in order to make your time in Barcelona more beneficial, both professionally and personally.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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