
InnoBioPlast 2006

Konferenz vom 21.09.2006 bis 24.09.2006

Ort/Land: Bangkok, Siam Paragon, Deutschland

Kontakt: Wyn Ellis (


The conference will include plenary sessions and parallel track discussions, as follows:

Track A: Upstream - metabolic engineering, microbial synthesis and fermentation technology, innovations in compounding, processing and production.
Track B: Downstream - markets and applications, policies, regulations and international
standards, implications for sustainable development.

Issues to be discussed by world-renowned speakers will include the establishment of national and international standards and certification for bioplastics, national policy roadmaps and investment incentives, and the development of downstream markets.

• Bioplastics- a challenging new material for the global market
• Opportunities and future markets of bioplastics
• Bioplastics and sustainable development- Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's)
• Production challenges and opportunities
• Alternative feedstocks
- Improving yield and productivity characteristics of existing and new feedstocks
- In-plant production ("plants as plants")
- Novel micro-organisms with higher conversion efficiencies
• Establishment of international and regional (US, EU, Japan) standards and certification
• National and international policy frameworks to stimulate bioplastics research, investment and adoption.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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National Innovation Agency

Ministry of Science and Technology

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10400 Bangkok



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