
Multilayer Packaging Films 2007

Konferenz vom 27.03.2007 bis 29.03.2007

Ort/Land: Köln, Maritim Hotel, Deutschland

Kontakt: Karine Urban (

The conference kicks off with an overview of the markets for specialised flexible packaging (by Andrew Reynold, AMI Consulting) and metallised film markets (Pradeep Tyle, Flex Industries). Rob Veraart of TNO is speaking on the food contact issues for multilayer films, while Johann Ewender of Fraunhofer IVV has carried out research into barrier testing.

Multilayer films comprise many different types of materials to deliver the performance required for each packaging application. DSM has made advances in the thermoformability of their nylon materials and Nanocor has enhanced the barrier properties with clay nanocomposites. Borealis have added value with multimodal LLDPE and Topas has cyclic olefin copolymers for films. Sealant materials are available from DuPont, while Basell has polybutene 1 for easy open packaging.

Interlayer adhesion is critical: Rohm and Haas has adhesives for multilayer retort pouch applications and Enercon Industries has film surface treatment equipment to enhance adhesion properties.

The latest advances in processing technology include blown film lines from WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER KG, die technology from Extrusion Dies Industries and cast film lines from Gruppo Colines. For quality control, NDC infrared Engineering has on-line measurement facilities.

There are many applications for flexible barrier films. For example, Rapak has made advances in the area of bag-in-box wine and Pactiv has developed resealable pouches.

Multilayer Packaging Films 2007 provides a forum for packaging manufacturers, machinery and material suppliers, to debate the latest thermoplastics, processing technology and applications for flexible barrier films.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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