
Warsaw Plast Expo 2023

Messe vom 08.02.2023 bis 10.02.2023

Ort/Land: Warschau, Polen

Kontakt: Kevin Ptak (

Warsaw Plast Expo is an international, business event gathering companies from the plastics processing industry. It is a specialized fair that connects all segments of the industry: machinery and equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products and technical parts, services, research and science. Huge space and a wide spectrum of thematic segments will allow you to learn about new products and solutions from all key sectors of the plastics industry.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

   Zur Veranstaltungsseite
Ptak Warsaw Expo Sp. z o.o.

Al. Katowicka 62
05-830 Nadarzyn


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