
Plastics in Automotive Glazing

Tagung vom 27.06.2007 bis 28.06.2007

Ort/Land: Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

k.A. (

Probably the biggest potential future market for plastics in automotive applications, activity in the glazing market is really hotting up. Panoramic roofing is really catching the attention of today’s automotive designers. Offering lower weight than glass, increased impact strength and greater styling opportunities, plastics are seen by many as the future for these and other demanding glazing applications.

Following its successful outings as a one-day event, Plastics in Automotive Glazing has now been extended to cover two days of applications, new technologies, market trends and innovations. Previous speaker organisations include Honda, Freeglass, Exatec, and the International Automotive

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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