

Messe vom 23.10.2008 bis 26.10.2008

Ort/Land: Cairo, Cairo Fair Ground, Aegypten

k.A. (

PLASTEX 2008 is the largest trade fair serving the plastics industries in the the markets of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Since its debut in 1993 and throughout ten successful versions, PLASTEX has played a significant role in developing the regional plastics industries by bringing in the latest global technologies to the growing MENA markets. PLASTEX is considered to be the natural venue of machinery manufacturers interested in international expansion for their products throughout the MENA region. As nothing can sell in this strategic part of the world like direct contacts, PLASTEX 2008 offers its exhibitors the chance to meet with regional traders and manufacturers who consider PLASTEX as a "must-attend event".

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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ACG - ITF Trade Fairs S.A.E.

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Tel.: +202 75 38 401,2,3,4
Fax: +202 75 38 323

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