
PE 2008

Konferenz am 12.02.2008

Ort/Land: Moskau, Hotel Baltchug Kempinski Moscow, Russland

Kontakt: Mr. Aleksey R. Tarasov (

CREON takes pleasure in informing you about the V Moscow International Conference «Polyethylene 2008» which would be held on February 12, 2008 at Baltchug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

The annually held conference «Polyethylene» is exclusive. It does not have any analogues either in Russia and CIS or abroad. Thus, it became the irreplaceable place for engagement, communication, actual information interchange and decision-making for all players of the branch including produces, traders, processors of polyethylene and equipment and technologies suppliers.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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119296 Moskau



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