
PlasTec 08

Trade fair for the plastics and rubber industries

Messe vom 15.04.2008 bis 18.04.2008

Ort/Land: Helsinki, Helsinki Fair Centre, Finnland

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PlasTec 08 is a new international trade fair for the plastics and rubber industries. It takes place on 15-18 April 2008 in the Helsinki Fair Centre. PlasTec 08 is arranged by the Finnish Fair Corporation in co-operation with the Finnish Plastics Association. The whole chain of the industry is welcomed as exhibitors. On show are machines and machinery for plastic industry, finished and semi-finished products, planning, design and modelling, peripheral equipment, raw materials, education and consultancy.

PlasTec 08 is being arranged simultaneously with four other industrial trade fairs: FinnTec 08, the leading Finnish trade fair for the metal-working and engineering industries, ToolTec 08, a forum for industrial tools, Pinta 08, that presents surface treatment and corrosion prevention and Materia 08 for industrial materials and semifinished goods.

This enriched cluster of industrial events guarantees that no link in the chain of the engineering and manufacturing industries is left out. The combination of three fairs benefits visitors and exhibitors alike; visitors gain access to all events with a single ticket and exhibitors have the opportunity of reaching professionals from across the spectrum of these industries at one go.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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The Finnish Fair Corporation

The Helsinki Fair Centre

Messuaukio 1, P.O.Box 21
00521 Helsinki



Tel.: +358 9 150 91
Fax: +358 9 142 358

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