
Symposium On REACH For The Compounding Industry

Konferenz am 22.09.2004

Ort/Land: Brüssel, Belgien

Kontakt: Veerle Durant (

Scope Of The Symposium
Because of its characteristics, the Compounding Industry has required a careful analysis of the REACH regulation proposal. This study raised major concerns for the Plastics Converting Industry, who wishes to clarify concepts and obligations, and interact and cooperate with the legislators in order to ensure an effective implementation of this legislation.

The EuPC-ETHIC Symposium on REACH for the Compounding Industry aims to meet the demand of this sector of the plastics converting industry. It wishes to clarify the implications of REACH for the Compounding Industry; to inform about the co-operation between the stakeholders and the legislators and to receive feed back from SMEs involved.

Content Of The Symposium
• The view of the Plastic Converters on REACH, by an expert of EuPC (European Plastic Converters)
• The analysis of the impact of REACH on the European Industry and an outline of the Chemicals Agency by a European Commission official from the newly created ‘Chemicals Unit’
• An introduction to the next steps to be taken and the players involved by a representative of the European Presidency, The Netherlands
• The view of the Compounding Industry by a representative of ETHIC (European Thermoplastic Independent Compounders)
• A round table discussion involving a representative from CEFIC ( European Chemical Industry Council) and from the European Environmental Bureau

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

EuPC - European Plastics Converters

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71
B-1000 Brussels



Tel.: +32 2 732 41 24
Fax: +32 2 732 42 18

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