
New Applications, market trends and needs in innovative polymers

Seminar am 24.06.2008

Ort/Land: Brüssel, EuPC Conference Centre, Belgien

Kontakt: Bianka Nagy (

The seminar aims to bring resin producers, compounders, converters and end users together in order to monitor new market trends in plastics manufacturing, compounding and processing. Furthermore, the conference wants to foster innovation and market development through the creation of a wide “innovative polymer network”.

The following programme highlights are not to be missed:
* Jan Verhaeghe, Composittrailer, automotive applications
* Julien Damen, DOW, INFUSE, Olefin Block Copolymers
* Hartmut Fischer, TNO, self-healing materials
* Daniël Vlasveld, Promolding, Polycond, nanocompunding new applications
* Eusebiu Grivei, Conductive Additives for polymers
* John Colbert, FlowFree: Super Critical CO2 : an overview of whys and wherefores of super critical carbon dioxide and alternative process systems

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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