
RubPlast EXPO

Fair of Rubber and Plastics Processing Industries

Messe vom 24.09.2008 bis 26.09.2008

Ort/Land: Sosnowiec, Expo Silesia, Deutschland

k.A. (

Kolporter EXPO invites you to visit Poland's most state-of-the-art exhibition facility Expo Silesia and participate in our rubber and plastics processing fair. RubPlast EXPO is Poland's only fair event with its range of exhibited products and services encompassing products, services and technologies for both these sectors of the chemical industry. RubPlast EXPO also provides an opportunity to show applications of such products and semi-products in other sectors of the economy.

State-of-the-art processing technologies, materials, machines, tools and other types of equipment - all these things presented in Poland's most industrialized region! What you can expect at Expo Silesia is the best business contacts and a large number of customers.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

   Zur Veranstaltungsseite
Kolporter EXPO Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zagnańska 61
25-528 Kielce



Tel.: +4841 367 86 52
Fax: +4841 367 86 56

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Das Angusssystem hat einen starken Einfluss auf den Spritzgießprozess. Dennoch wird in der Fachliteratur zum Spritzgießen die Gestaltung des Angusssystems und dessen Bedeutung oftmals nur am Rande behandelt.

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