

Konferenz vom 29.09.2008 bis 01.10.2008

Ort/Land: San Antonio, Texas, San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, USA

Kontakt: Beth Crisafi (

ACC anticipates that this year’s conference will attract more than 1,200 people from 40 countries.


- Breaking news from the conference floor
- On-site access to in-depth information
- Opportunity for one-on-one interviews with CPI committee chairs and industry executives
- In depth discussions with technical experts
- 100 technical paper presentations representing a wide range of polyurethane topics, including market-specific information such as automotive, furnishing, footwear, CASE, appliance and construction
- Special issue session titled “Smart Business, Smart Marketing: Green Goes Mainstream”
- Key Note Speaker: Dr. Barry Asmus, Senior Economist with the National Center for Policy Analysis
- Innovation Award finalists will be selected and winners announced
- Poster presentations addressing breakthrough PU technology

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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American Chemistry Council

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