
Plastic Packaging Middle East 2009

Konferenz vom 27.09.2009 bis 30.09.2009

Ort/Land: Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Grand Millennium Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

Kontakt: Mrs Stacey Cross, Tel: +971 4 364 2975 (


Plastics in the GCC

Between 2009 and 2012 more than 20 million tons of plastics raw materials capacity will come on stream in the GCC region. This represents half of the global planned capacity increase. As a result, the GCC plastics industry is expected to record an annual rate of growth of nearly 30% for the next five years.

As an effort to diversify the economy from dependence on oil and gas, the plastics conversion industry is growing rapidly.

Now more than ever, there is a need for a sustainable and internationally-leading supply chain that delivers high-quality products for both the region and international markets.

Why Plastic Packaging Now?

* Food processing and packaging is a key priority for GCC governments to support a growing economy.
* The GCC is strategically positioned to supply major markets such as Europe and the Indian sub-continent.
* The GCC is fast becoming a major hub for industrial packaging.
* Expansion of the plastics industry is supported by GCC governments. They have actively invested in infrastructure, streamlined administrative processes and removed red tape.
* There are a vast number of plastic packaging manufacturers located throughout the GCC who want to see common challenges addressed.

Introducing the Plastic Packaging Summit…

Join us this September to learn how you can address a variety of common challenges, through innovative case studies and interactive discussion.
The biggest names in plastic packaging will impart their latest techniques so that you can maximise production and innovation while minimising cost.
Network with other plastic packaging manufacturers, raw material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and end users to discover how you can increase your bottom line.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

   Zur Veranstaltungsseite
IQPC Middle East FZ LLC

PO Box 502397
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate


Tel.: +971 4 360 2942
Fax: +971 4 363 1925

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