
EnviroPlas 2010

Konferenz vom 16.03.2010 bis 17.03.2010

Ort/Land: Brüssel, Belgien

Kontakt: Gemma Davies (

EnviroPlas 2010, the first international conference on the environmental options available to the non-packaging plastic industry will be on 16-17 March in Brussels, Belgium. iSmithers is inviting speakers to present on a variety of topics covering the cradle to cradle issues of non-packaging plastic products.

Over recent years, the plastics packaging industry has led the way in “green” material selection, labelling and end of life issues. The rest of the plastics industry is now ready to follow suit and this two day international conference will look at the whole life cycle of plastics across many industries.

Harnessing the expertise of its sister company, Smithers Rapra, iSmithers is currently inviting abstract submissions on topics that have been requested by industry through a short online survey. This is an opportunity for people with experiences in the plastics supply chain to share their experiences and knowledge on the environmental choices available and their advantages to a captive audience of senior managers.

This conference calls for presentations on environmental legislation, sourcing sustainable plastic materials and environmentally designing products as our survey responses identified these as knowledge gaps in the industry .
Presentations on ‘green’ plastics processing are also welcomed as improving profit through sustainable manufacturing and eco-efficiency meets the financial needs of companies in the current economy.
Case studies on environmental sustainability strategies in the plastics supply chain are invited, alongside presentations on the information supplied to consumers about the plastics in end products.

As EnviroPlas 2010 aims to encompass cradle to cradle issues, this conference is calling for presentations on biodegradability and recycling for non-packaging products as methods of tackling post-consumer waste issues.
All in all this conference will enable attendees to understand the wide variety of stages that can impact a plastic product’s profitability and carbon footprint and show opportunities to better meet wide corporate social responsibility schemes. So don't miss out on your chance to influence the future of the industry by presenting a paper at this interesting conference.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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Smithers Rapra Technology Limited

Rubber And Plastics Research Association

Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR



Tel.: +44 (0) 193 939 3357
Fax: +44 (0) 193 925 2416

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