
Wood-Plastic Composites 2011

Konferenz vom 08.11.2011 bis 10.11.2011

Ort/Land: Wien, Austria Trend Savoyen Hotel, Oesterreich

Kontakt: Dr Sally Humphreys (

International business conference & exhibition for the wood-plastic composites industry.

AMI are delighted to announce that Trex CEO Ronald Kaplan has already confirmed he will give a keynote presentation on the “Advancements in the WPC decking and railing market in North America” at the WPC conference. The programme is currently being put together and will be released to the public in the next few weeks.

The event has been extremely successful since it started in 2002 and gathers every time over 250 participants from around the world at each event. The conference particularly differentiates itself from any others as it gathers the only truly international audience in this field. It also offers a unique practical demonstration at headline sponsors Battenfeld-Cincinnati Austria GmbH’s premises.

As per previous years, translation in German and Italian has been organised for the participants.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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