
BioStruct training event on processing and properties of Bio-Composites

Workshop am 16.02.2011

Ort/Land: Karlsruhe, Fraunhofer ICT, Deutschland

Kontakt: Tina Autenrieth (

Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) have been an important research topic in Europe over the past few years. This is due both to the increasing price of standard polymers and the need to shift towards sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials. In Europe, conventional WPCs are limited to niche markets. Cheap, waste wood from the wood industry is combined with recycled polymers, but the low quality, poor optical appearance and low durability of these products makes them unsuitable for many applications.

BioStruct aims to develop the next generation of wood and cellulose-reinforced composites – so-called „enhanced wood-plastic composites” (eWPCs) – for complex structural and multifunctional components. The project will involve both the development of new materials with improved and consistent mechanical and thermal properties, and the development of suitable processes to maximise the potential of these materials. The newly developed materials and processes will be implemented in four different industrial sectors: automotive, construction, electronics and packaging.

Agenda and speakers

10.00 am Opening by Project Manager, Dr. Jan Diemert, Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie

10.15 am “State of the Art” in Bio-Composites, Lars Ziegler, Tecnaro GmbH

11.15 am Compounding of Bio-Composites, Dr. Jan Diemert, Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie

12.00 am Lunch break

13.30 pm Processing of Bio-Composites, Gerhard Bäck, Engel Austria GmbH

14.15 pm Properties of BioStruct Materials, Katja Klophaus, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

15.00 pm Outlook, Herbert Perschl, Alento AG

15.45 pm Closing

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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