
Sustainable Plastics: Biodegradability versus Recycling

Kongress vom 08.03.2005 bis 09.03.2005

Ort/Land: Manchester, Großbritannien

Kontakt: Dr. Ruth M. Lane (

This is the second conference on Sustainable Plastics organised by the RSC Speciality Chemicals Sector.

This international conference will review the environmental, socioeconomic and political drivers for both increased recycling of plastics waste and the need to develop biodegradable polymers, many of which are derived from renewable resources. Papers on plastics recycling will include recently developed processes and include innovative methods of purification and additive removal and also focus on compatibilisers for mixed waste feedstocks and additives to enhance the performance of recyclates.

Recently developed biodegradable polymers and resins will be described and their properties, applications and cost-effectiveness presented as a complimentary approach to recycling. This conference will be of particular interest to polymer and performance additive chemists, all those involved in plastics recycling and waste reduction, environmentalists and government departments formulating environmental and waste strategies and those promoting "Green Chemistry" / Sustainability.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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