
Doing Plastics Business in Poland 2005

Konferenz vom 30.05.2005 bis 31.05.2005

Ort/Land: Krakau, Polen

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Rapra Technology Limited is pleased to announce a new conference on Doing Plastics Business in Poland, to be held in Krakow, Poland, from 30-31 May 2005. This event is designed for companies wanting to do business with Poland. There are talks on the legal aspects, markets, culture and local funding.

Poland is the third biggest country in Central & Eastern Europe in terms of population (around 40 million) and the second largest in terms of GDP (US $189.3 billion at the end of 2002). Key plastic markets are expanding: around 360,000 new cars were sold in 2003 and in January-March 2004 a total of 27,695 homes were completed. The use of packaging is around 50% of that found in the old EU states, and is expanding with a current estimated value of US $3 billion.

With Poland joining the EU in 2004, the markets are opening up for import and export opportunities. Poland provides a strategic location between the EU and the emerging markets further East. This conference on Doing Plastics Business in Poland provides a discussion forum for potential investors, importers and exporters, together with Polish industry representatives and market experts.

There is an optional trip to the Polish plastics industry showcase event, Plastpol, on 1st June for interested delegates (a small fee will be charged to cover costs).

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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Smithers Rapra Technology Limited

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Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR



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