
RECCON'03 - International Conference on Recycling Information Exchange and Industrial Practices

Konferenz vom 10.11.2003 bis 12.11.2003

Ort/Land: Bilbao, Palacio Euskalduna, Spanien



The International Conference on Recycling Information Exchange and Industrial Practices, RECCON'03, is organised with the objective of establishment of a information exchange forum. In the frame of this forum, present and future of recycling in Europe and USA will be analysed, focussing mainly on legislation, recycling technologies, status of the industry, use of information
technology and standard terminology for market development and research.

It is articulated in three sessions (2 days and a half), and involves the presence of relevant authorities and recognised experts on each aspect above mentioned. The adopted structure is an hybrid one, combining plenary sessions to cover aspects dealing with complete recycling sector, with specific sessions celebrated simultaneously, on which participants will go deeper in
detail on each post-consumer waste stream, including: End-of-life Vehicles (ELV), Tires, Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Construction and Demolition Wastes (C&DW), Packaging Wastes and Plastics.


RECCON'03 is of great interest for recycling industries, administrative bodies, research and development providers, and environmental engineering and consultancy firms. The focus is on the use of information in the recycling business and status of recycling technologies. The conference is a new frame of reference for the consolidation and definition of strategies for recycling industry.


DAY 1: November 10 th, 2003

Registration of delegates
Opening session
Products for ythe future
Cocktail reception

DAY 2: November 11 th, 2003

Information exchange
Market development
Role of adminsitrations
Gala dinner

DAY 3: November 12 th, 2003

Recyling of specific waste streams
Recyling industries of the futuro
Recycling industry overwiev

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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Alameda Mazarredo, 39, 2ºC
48009 Bilbao



Tel.: +34 902 492 000
Fax: +34 94 423 04 87

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