
Science Driving Consumer Protection: How Plastics Deliver

Konferenz vom 20.10.2014 bis 21.10.2014

Ort/Land: Berlin, Deutschland

Kontakt: Dr. Rüdiger Baunemann (

Building on the 2013 events in Brussels and Vienna related to plastics and health, and under the title "Science Driving Consumer Protection: How Plastics Deliver”, PlasticsEurope will hold a scientific conference on the 20 and 21 October 2014 in Berlin.

The aim is to provide insight on how industry, authorities and research institutes address, deliver and cooperate in the area of science and research behind consumer protection. The conference will gather key speakers from the public authorities, health agencies, academia and the industry to cover a wide array of burning topics be it on food contact materials, drinking water, indoor air quality, cosmetics packaging.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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1160 Brüssel



Tel.: +32 (2) 675 32 97
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