Marktpreise für Commodities in Zentral- und Osteuropa

Hier finden Sie jede Woche die Marktpreise für verschiedene Typen von LDPE, HDPE und PP, die unser Partner myCEPPI in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas regelmäßig erhebt. plasticker veröffentlicht wöchentlich Preisdaten mit einer Verzögerung von vier Wochen.

Preise für KW 34/2024
(veröffenlicht von myCEPPI am 25.08.2024)

Typ Preis Diff. zur Vorwoche
PE-HD Blasware 1.243 €/t 0 €/t
PE-HD Folienware 1.238 €/t 0 €/t
PE-HD Spritzguss 1.244 €/t 0 €/t
PE-HD Rohrware (100) 1.352 €/t 0 €/t
PE-LD Folienware 1.288 €/t 0 €/t
rLDPE Film (transparent/translucent) 850 €/t 0 €/t
PE-LD 1.289 €/t 0 €/t
LLDPE C4 1.201 €/t +12 €/t
(m)LLDPE C6 1.250 €/t 0 €/t
PP-Copo Spritzguss 1.360 €/t 0 €/t
PP-Homo Faser 1.259 €/t 0 €/t
PP-Homo Spritzguss 1.272 €/t 0 €/t
PPR 1.455 €/t 0 €/t
rPP IM 847 €/t 0 €/t
GPPS 1.618 €/t 0 €/t
HIPS 1.698 €/t 0 €/t
EPS 1.582 €/t 0 €/t
ABS 1.824 €/t 0 €/t

Ältere Notierungen:

2024:33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2023: 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2022: 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38

Woche 33/2024

PE-HD Blasware 1.243 €/t
PE-HD Folienware 1.238 €/t
PE-HD Spritzguss 1.244 €/t
PE-HD Rohrware (100) 1.352 €/t
PE-LD Folienware 1.288 €/t
rLDPE Film (transparent/translucent) 850 €/t
PE-LD 1.289 €/t
LLDPE C4 1.189 €/t
(m)LLDPE C6 1.250 €/t
PP-Copo Spritzguss 1.360 €/t
PP-Homo Faser 1.259 €/t
PP-Homo Spritzguss 1.272 €/t
PPR 1.455 €/t
rPP IM 847 €/t
GPPS 1.618 €/t
HIPS 1.698 €/t
EPS 1.582 €/t
ABS 1.824 €/t

Contact to myCEPPI:

László Büdy

About MyCeppi

"myCEPPI – a new voice and new approach on the plastics industry consulting and business intelligence market. With our expert advice, you can get a detailed, up-to-date and tailor-made picture of the Central and Eastern European plastics market and its main trends, data, news and key players.

Our services rely on our personal, regular and in-depth relations with players of the CEE plastics industry.

Each month, we conduct hundreds of interviews and telephone calls with industry players – plastics converters, traders, resin manufacturers – and we are also present at the biggest regional plastics trade fairs and conferences.

The information we collect in the process forms the basis of our weekly price report and market analysis; it feeds into our plastics industry company database; and it serves as the starting point for our multi-level consulting services for companies that need help sizing up, entering or navigating a specific market.

Our experts possess decades of plastics industry experience, as well as fluency in several regional languages.

Our partners include
  • key players of the CEE plastics industry – the resin
  • master-batch and machinery manufacturers
  • distributors, and plastics converters that shape market trends across the region.

We would be happy to welcome you as a partner; please do not hesitate to contact us!"

(László Büdy, Managing director, head of consulting)

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