Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

ALCOLOR masterbatch solid for PA BL3044-10
Angebot vom:07.01.2025
Material: Masterbatch
Art: Originalware 1A
Form: Masterbatch
Farbe: blau
Menge: 375 kg
Preis:0,99 EUR/kg
Logistische Daten:
Verpackung: Sackware
Lieferung: ab Werk
Lagerort: Opole, Poland
MOCOM Compounds ALCOLOR® PA A BL3044-10 is a colorant for use in Polyamide, with a similar color to ICE BLUE. It is free from cadmium, lead, and diarylide pigments, and has a high additive content, making it dust-free and highly dispersible. It is suitable for automotive, machinery, electrical, and electronic applications.

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