Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

EPP compressed
Angebot vom:11.02.2025
Material: EPP
Art: Produktionsabfall
Form: Mahlgut
Farbe: bunt
Menge: 40 to
Preis:0,50 EUR/kg
Logistische Daten:
Verpackung: Big-Bag
Lieferung: ab Werk
Lagerort: Tallinn, Estonia
We sell compressed EPP. Around 2 trucks per month with bulk density 300 kg/m3 as lumps and we can do regrind from them as well. Loading in big-bags 20 t per truck. Materials post-production, go from factory as packing of main application. No impurities, clean materials, light colors only

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