Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

Polybutylene succinate (PBS) by PTT MCC Biochem Co Ltd
Angebot vom:31.10.2024
Material: Sonstige
Art: Originalware 1A
Form: Granulat
Farbe: natur
Menge: 525 kg
Preis:0,99 EUR/kg
Logistische Daten:
Verpackung: Sackware
Lieferung: ab Werk
Lagerort: Opole, Poland
Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is the biodegradable plastic that decomposes into water and carbon dioxide with the microorganism under the soil.PBS has a high heat resistance among the general biodegradablility resin, and PBS has high compatibility with a fiber. Using these goodness, it\'s possible to achieve the performance which can\'t be shown by itself as the compound with other resin and material.

 Dokument zum Angebot (pdf, 90 kB)


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