Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

micronized 100% PVC-U, from pipes, fittings or profiles etc
Gesuch vom:19.07.2024
Material: PVC
Menge: 100 to
PVC-Content at least 85 % by mass
K-Value K-57 - K70
Density 1390 kg/m³ -1480 kg/m³
Vicat softening temp. > 62° EN 727
Impurities less than 1,5 %
Particle size 125-500 ideally

Material shall not be contaminated by a co-extrusion process of non PVC-U material

micronized, we don’t want to use material OBS stabilized, No tin (Sn), or Lead (Pb)

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