Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

Rigid/Hard PVC from PVC-productionplant
Angebot vom:05.03.2025
Material: PVC
Art: Produktionsabfall
Menge: 50 to
Preis:0,22 EUR/kg
Logistische Daten:
Verpackung: Big-Bag
Lieferung: ab Werk
Lagerort: Malmö
Good afternoon,

We have available to offer 55ton hard/rigid PVC from

The material is mixed rigid: Rigid:Shore A 100 and Rigid:Shore D 75

The material has this composition

PVC resin
Impact modifier
Chalk approx. 8%
Various types of pigments

The material is packed in BigBags and is comming from the lumps and cakes from the startup and cleaning of the machines.



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