Maschinen und Anlagen für die Kunststoffindustrie

ETI# 2818 Control Power Hydraulic Test Stand in USA
Angebot vom:13.02.2025
Preis:14.900,00 €
Logistische Daten:
Standort: Ohio, USA
ETI# 2818 Control Power Hydraulic Test Stand in USA

Brand: Control Power Hydraulic Test Stand

Designed to test proper operation of Hydraulic Valves, cylinders, and hydraulic pumps of various sizes. This test stand allows the operator to test gallons per minute of flow, min /max output pressure of an existing pump or hydraulic component. Made to test new or rebuilt pumps to verify proper operation and pressure control and capability.

Designed and built new for General motors with little run time, still in new like condition. It comes with the following control capability.

Vickers hydraulics, high pressure pump with complete system control to handle min max flow rates and pressure up to 3500 psi.

Vickers Relief valves, flow control valves and pressure transducers.

30-40 Gallon hydraulic reservoir

Digital temperature readouts to read test system temperature and tested component temp ranges.

Digital readouts for hydraulic operating pressure for both the testing system and for the hydraulic components being tested. Digital readouts for min max flow rates on the tested components to verify proper operation values.

Oil system is temperature is controlled by 4 pass heat exchanger with external cabinet water connections.

Entire unit is enclosed in a heavy duty safety enclosure with viewing capability all external controls.

Overall dimensions: 6.5’ high x 9’ width x 38” front to back depth.

Fob: Ohio

New price when built: $123,000.00

Loaded on Your Truck

Location: Ohio,USA

Price exworks as is / where is

Garesco Machinery Brokers

1670 NW 82 Avenue
33191 Doral, Florida

Kontakt: Herr Octavio Augusto Garcia


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