Maschinen und Anlagen für die Kunststoffindustrie

GMB#3832 (2006) TECNOVA 3 layer Double Bubble Coextrusion Line Width 2x1.780mm Capacity 104Kg/h in BELGIUM
Angebot vom:14.02.2025
Rubrik:Extruder und Extrusionsanlagen
Preis:175.000,00 €
Technische Daten:
Baujahr: 2006
Durchsatz: 104 kg/h
Logistische Daten:
Standort: Belgien

GMB#3832 (2006) TECNOVA 3 layer Double Bubble Coextrusion Line Width 2x1.780mm Capacity 104Kg/h in BELGIUM

Make: TECNOVA srl Italy

Year of construction: 2006

width : 2X1780 mm

capacity kg/h :2.500Kg/24h: 104Kg/h

the line is divided as follows:

Blown film of 2 or 3 layers A/B or A/B/A.

Extruder A : 60/30D

Extruder B : 90/33D

heating : 5 heating zones

Width : 2 X 1780 mm

Output : 2,5t/24h

state : ready to test

automatic pellet loader

extruder group 2 extruders Extrud A: Ø60/30D: Extrud B 90/33D

extruder :cylindrical die

forming unit :calibrator

cooling of the primary film with open circuit of cooled water regulated.

primary Film dryer by air

3 levels of oven to heat the film to be blowned

Thermo-regulator 5 Zones for each extruders unit

layer unit: A-B or A-B-A

cooling of the primary film with open circuit of cooled water regulated.

primary Film dryer by air

3 levels of oven to heat the film to be blown

winding unit: 2 winders – Width 1.780mm each

Lateral trimming cutting system of the bubble

knife unit for longitudinal cutting: razor blade

max rewinding reel diameter: 600 mm

max line speed: 45 m/min

Location: Belgium

Price Exworks as is / Where is

Garesco Machinery Brokers

1670 NW 82 Avenue
33191 Doral, Florida

Kontakt: Herr Octavio Augusto Garcia


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