Maschinen und Anlagen für die Kunststoffindustrie

GMB#9129 (2021) 143 Ton Amada HG 1303 RM Robotic Bending System in USA
Angebot vom:14.02.2025
Hersteller/Typ:HG 1303 RM
Technische Daten:
Baujahr: 2021
Logistische Daten:
Standort: USA
GMB#9129 (2021) 143 Ton Amada HG 1303 RM Robotic Bending System in USA

Brand: Amada

Model: HG 1303 RM

Year: 2021

Press Brake Specifications:

Tonnage: 143 Tons

Distance between Frames: 106.3”

Stroke Length: 9.8”

Open Height: 20.5”

Max Approach Speed: 8.7” per second

Max Bending Speed: 0.79” per second

Max Return Speed: 9.8” per second

Oil Capacity: 19 gallons

Backgauge: 6 Axis Plus 2 Axis L-Shift

Control type: AMNC 3i

Bending Robot Specifications:

Model: Yaskawa

Load Capacity: 176 lbs. (including gripper)

Axis Configuration:

Robot: 6-axis

Traveling Axis: 1-axis

Traveling Axis: 26.2”

Repeat Positioning Accuracy:

Robot: ±0.008”

Traveling Axis: ±0.016”

Automatic Gripper Station: Included 4 standard grippers (mechanical and suction-type)

Bi-S Operating Range:

Accuracy: ±15 minutes

Materials: Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum

Measuring Angle Range: 80° to 165°

V-Width Range: 0.236” to 1.57”

Tooling: AFH Sec IV Die, AMTS

Thickness Range: 0.040” to 0.236”

Min Flange: 0.79” (V=0.236”) to 1.69” (V=1.57”)

Part Processing Range:

Thickness Range: 0.02” to 0.24”

Max. Part Size: 49.2” x 98.4”

Min. Part Size: 3.1” x 19.7”

Designed specifically for processing large parts-which typically require two operators to safely handle or are difficult to manage by a single operator. This automated bending system provides consistent, high-quality parts and process reliability while eliminating time-intensive, manual handling of large parts. Highly-complex parts and small lot sizes can also be processed efficiently and accurately by the HG Rm.

Location: USA

Price exworks as is / where is

Garesco Machinery Brokers

1670 NW 82 Avenue
33191 Doral, Florida

Kontakt: Herr Octavio Augusto Garcia


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