
3rd International Injection Moulding Conference (IIMC)

Konferenz vom 15.03.2017 bis 16.03.2017

Ort/Land: Aachen, Deutschland

Kontakt: Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Theunissen, +49 (0) 241 80-93827 (


Since its initiation in 2014, the IIMC is already running up the third edition. Since then this international event has proved to be both a forum for technological innovations in injection moulding and an international network platform.
The IIMC 2017 will focus on the main challenges facing the injection moulding industry. Having to cope with weight reduction for automotive applications, ambitious material demands in electronics, and stringent requirements on cleanliness in medical engineering, injection moulding continuous to be a highly innovative and adaptable technology. Against this background, new approaches for the enhancement of production efficiency and cutting-edge developments in digitised production should be reflected in the talks given by the invited experts during the IIMC 2017.

The IIMC intends to offer a global networking opportunity for all companies involved in injection moulding as brand owners, OEMs, converters, machine producers and raw material suppliers.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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IKV - Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung an der RWTH Aachen

Seffenter Weg 201
52074 Aachen



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