
Pipeline Coating 2019

Konferenz vom 05.11.2019 bis 06.11.2019

Ort/Land: Houston, TX, Hilton Houston Post Oak, USA

Kontakt: Christa Beveridge (

The fourth anniversary edition of AMI's international Pipeline Coating conference will take place on November 5-6 at the Hilton Houston Post Oak, Houston, TX, United States. The two-day program annually covers the latest technical developments and market trends in this dynamic sector. The conference sessions are complemented by a focused exhibition and plenty of networking opportunities, including an evening cocktail reception. Pipeline Coating US 2019 will bring together leading pipeline contractors, operators, pipe mills and pipe coaters, engineers and specifiers, researchers, raw materials and machinery suppliers to debate the latest pipeline protection technology and regional industry trends. It provides a platform for all links in the supply chain to interact and discuss market needs, existing and potential technology innovations, and new products and services available to the industry. Experts from pipeline-related industries will have the opportunity to network and exchange experiences with colleagues and potential customers.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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