
Recycled Packaging for Food Contact

Konferenz vom 18.09.2019 bis 19.09.2019

Ort/Land: Brüssel, Belgien

Kontakt: Ms. Hafizah Adam (

Key Highlights:
• Addressing current problems and the need for harmonised, independent, regulation of all chemicals in Food Contact applications
• Testing of Non Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS) in Plastic Food Contact Materials (FCM)
• Safety assessment of not-identified substances leaching from polymers, within the research project Migratox
• Optimising rPET in packaging for food contact applications
• Standard risk assessment analysis in ABA structures using recycled PET
• Flexible Packaging – how regulations can impact its role in the circular economy & usage in food packaging
• Challenges in using recycled plastic into food – Nestle perspective
• Compostable film for food packaging made from waste crustacean shell
• New sustainable packaging Innovations in Waitrose including our collaboration with Cuantec
• Advanced sorting technology for separation of food grade materials including developments in rPP for food contact
• Developing food grade quality rHDPE from OceanBound Plastics
• UK regulatory perspective on recycled packaging/plastics for food contact
• The recycling black plastics tray journey – how far have we come
• New fully-recyclable solutions with improved barrier properties and new functionalities from renewable sources

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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