
International Automotive Recycling Congress IARC 2025

Kongress vom 19.03.2025 bis 21.03.2025

Ort/Land: Antwerpen, Belgien

Kontakt: Jeanette Burri (

IARC returns to Antwerp in March 2025!

Next year’s event brings exciting new developments!

The ELV Regulation’s scope is expanding to include commercial, heavy-duty vehicles, and motorcycles. The critical role of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in recycling will be highlighted at the conference.

Car, motorbike, truck, and bus manufacturers need to take an active role in preparing for the significant responsibilities and financial implications that new European regulations and policies on critical raw materials and decarbonization will bring. The ELV Regulation introduces new rules for vehicle design and end-of-life management, requiring lorries, buses, and motorcycles to be treated at authorized treatment facilities, and restricting the export of non-roadworthy vehicles.

IARC 2025 will be the perfect platform for industry leaders to collaborate, share insights, and stay ahead of these changes. With all key players of the vehicle circular economy in attendance, this is your chance to contribute to the debate on regulations and policies with global impact while there is still time!

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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