
Technologies for Polymer Electronics - TPE08

3rd International Symposium

Tagung vom 20.05.2008 bis 22.05.2008

Ort/Land: Rudolstadt, Kommunikationszentrum des TITK, Deutschland

Kontakt: Claudia Matz (

The TPE symposia in Rudolstadt in 2004 and 2006 took place as events with many excellent lectures. More than 100 participants coming from 20 countries attended both earlier symposia.

TPE 08 will again bring together researchers and developers working in areas of organic electronics, especially focused on fundamental research and on the technology for manufacture of OFETs & IPCs; Polymer solar cells, OPV; OLEDs; Sensors based on OFETs or photonics.

Special interest lies in approaches to the large scale production of polymer electronics in connection with unsolved material problems, and application fields of plastic electronics.

The Symposium is organised by both the technology oriented polymer research institute TITK Rudolstadt and by the TU Ilmenau. Association partner is the Organic Electronic Association.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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TITK - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V.

Breitscheidstraße 97
07407 Rudolstadt



Tel.: +49 (0) 3672 379-100
Fax: +49 (0) 3672 379-379

Weitere Veranstalter:

Organic Electronic Association

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