
4th International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC2005

Kongress vom 12.01.2005 bis 14.01.2005

Ort/Land: Basel, Schweiz

Kontakt: Jeanette Duttlinger

The preliminary program includes sessions on: Implementation of the WEEE Directive in Europe; Reports of manufacturers' (OEM's) activities in take-back and recycling; Update of the European WEEE-, RoHS-, EuP- Directives; Major challenges and solutions for the industry; Country reports from the U.S., Asian & European markets; Collection programs of electronics waste; Reports of new EU countries; Reports on new laws and regulations; Country reports recycling activities from the U.S., Asia and Europe; International overview of recycling activities; Data on waste streams; Take-back of used electronic equipment by retailers, importers and OEM's; Best available technologies; and Processes and plants for recycling and recovery.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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