
Plastic Pipes 2008

Konferenz am 18.04.2008

Ort/Land: Moskau, Hotel Baltchug Kempinski Moscow, Russland

Kontakt: Mr. Aleksey R. Tarasov (

Main subjects of the Plastic Pipes 2008 conference:
• Current state and development prospects of the Russian plastic pipes market
• Raw materials supply of plastic pipes production
• Problems of production, marketing and consumption of plastic pipes
• New projects
• Standards and regulatory requirement
• Quality of plastic pipes
• Ecological safety of plastic pipes usage

Conference participants:
• Russian and foreign producers of PE, PP, PVC pipes
• Raw materials suppliers and producers
• Equipment and technologies suppliers
• Trading companies
• Pipe production consumers
• Government officials

Participation in «Plastic Pipes 2008» conference gives you an
• To get full and actual information on plastic pipes market
• To meet your business partners and strike up new contacts

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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