
5th International Automobil Recycling Congress

Kongress vom 09.03.2005 bis 11.03.2005

Ort/Land: Amsterdam, Niederlande

Kontakt: Jeanette Duttlinger (

Call for papers

Swiss recycling event organiser ICM will stage the fifth International Automobile Recycling Congress (IARC 2005) on March 9-11 next year in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The congress will bring together the various links in the end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling chain - recyclers, legislators, car manufacturers, shredder operators and policy-makers - from around the world.

Sessions will focus on: implementation of the new ELV Directive in Europe; how car manufacturers close the recycling loop; country reports covering worldwide recycling activities; and new recycling technologies. In the afternoon of Friday March 11, optional tours to a shredder plant, tyre recycling plant, dismantling facility or a blast furnace have been scheduled.

ICM is still looking to attract speeches for the congress. If you are interested in making a presentation at the IARC, you are invited to send an abstract of around 400 words containing the title and an outline of the content of your speech to ICM.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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