
3rd Dresden Workshop: Tires - Road and Verhicle Interaction

Workshop am 08.05.2009

Ort/Land: Dresden, Deutschland

Kontakt: Katja Tampe (

The tire, itself a complex and innovative structure, has inter­action in two ways. Firstly, the tire’s structural behaviour is strongly influenced by the features of the contact surface and the pavement. Secondly, the vehicle’s dynamical characteristics influence the tire and vice versa. Moreover, the three contribu­ting partners are coupled to a complex pavement – tire – ve­hicle system. The latest findings will be discussed in this one-day event which aims to bring together experts with extensive experience in re­search, development, management and education in order to discuss innovative approaches and perspectives. The workshop addresses members in research, development and managing positions of tire and automotive industries as well as manu­facturers of corresponding tire raw materials.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)

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