
Ceplast 2011

Messe vom 22.11.2011 bis 24.11.2011

Ort/Land: Budapest, Ungarn


Targi Kielce, one of Poland's top trade fair organizers, has joined forces with Budapest-based ECEBD Ltd, a leading regional plastics industry consultant and information provider, to hold the inaugural CEPLAST plastics industry fair in Budapest at the end of November 2011.

CEPLAST will focus on the Central and Southeastern European region (excluding Poland and Russia), and will encompass the entire plastics industry value chain. To that end, resin producers, compounders, masterbatch producers, machinery makers and distributors will also invite their plastics processor customers to the exhibition.

In addition to company booths displaying the regional plastics industry's latest product innovations, CEPLAST will feature presentations and interactive events that will aim to provide an up-to-date snapshot of, and encourage lively discussions about the plastics industry in the wake of the global economic crisis.

"To make the first CEPLAST fair successful, Targi Kielce will contribute its expertise in trade fair organization as well as its wide industry client base, while ECEBD will contribute its seven-year experience in studying and advising the regional plastics industry," said ECEBD business development manager Tamás Kovács. "Our goal is to invigorate plastics-related commercial activity among the countries of the region."

About Targi Kielce
Targi Kielce was established in 1992 in the city of Kielce. The company owns Poland's second largest exhibition complex, and is the second player on the country's trade fair market with an almost 30% share. Targi Kielce's fair calendar now includes 60 events a year, including the annual PLASTPOL plastics industry exhibition, the largest event of its kind in the region.

ECEBD, founded by industry experts in 2003, runs plastics processor databases, provides consulting services, advises regional M&A transactions, operates the multilingual news and B2B plastics site Plasportal, and distributes weekly newsletters to tens of thousands of industry players worldwide.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

Targi Kielce S.A.

ul. Zakladowa 1
25-672 Kielce



Tel.: +48 41 365 12 30
Fax: +48 41 345 62 61

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