
Polyester Extrusion und Recycling Forum

Tagung am 11.10.2011

Ort/Land: Chicago, Intercontinental Hotel Chicago O'Hare Airport, USA

Kontakt: Mrs. Kirsten Engelhardt (

KREYENBORG Group is delighted to announce that online registration is now live at for the forthcoming “Polyester Extrusion and Recycling Forum” taking place at the Intercontinental Hotel Chicago O'Hare Airport on Tuesday 11th October 2011.

After the event successfully debuted in Newcastle, United Kingdom last year, the companies involved in the Polyester Virgin polymer and recycling segment have again joined forces to bring this event designed "By the Industry - For the Industry".

With an impressive agenda of keynote speakers (latest version for download at, a range of relevant topics will be presented that will be highly interesting for key decision makers from many segments of this dynamic industry.

The keynote presentations will cover topics such as post consumer bottle sorting and washing facilities. Kreyenborg will be inviting all the major processors and re-processors that are involved with PET bottle flakes, packaging and extrusion to get together with fellow industry professionals at this event.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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