
Polymer Sourcing 2012

Konferenz vom 14.05.2012 bis 16.05.2012

Ort/Land: Hamburg, Marriott Hotel, Deutschland

Kontakt: Maud Lassara (

International conference

This will be the 8th edition of this AMI forum which was specifically created for companies involved at every stage of the European polymer supply chain.

Growth in the polymer distribution channel slowed through 2011 as converters became more cautious in their purchasing and pricing and supply volatility impacted on buying trends. New polymer sources from the Middle East have not had the impact on European supply options as many processors hoped as material is more often channelled eastwards to the booming Asian market. At the same time the European resin suppliers continue to rationalise and reorganise their production assets with implications for the availability and supply of certain grades. The outlook for 2012/13 remains uncertain as economic growth slows and credit lines dry up.

The conference is an ideal place for all involved to meet and review last year’s developments.

This year’s programme includes a key note presentation from the President of Reliance Industries Limited, Mr Kamal Nanavaty, who will discuss the rise of India as a supplier for the plastics market as well as a presentation from Dr. Bert Vanwambeke, Purchasing Director for Balta Group about sourcing challenges for the polymer market.

The programme will also cover the latest developments in the engineering polymer and styrenics markets with papers from Styrolution, Bayer Material Science, AMI and Ineos Olefins and Polyolefins.

The conference will close with a session dedicated to distributor’s perspectives. This will include papers from key companies Velox GmbH, Distrupol Limited, Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH, Plastribution and Albis Plastic GmbH. They will be covering subjects such as CRM benefits, SAP business Intelligence software, risk management, supply chain management and of course the recent evolution of the industry.

Once again, the event is supported by headline sponsors Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH.

(Beschreibung nach Veranstalterangaben)

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