Recybase - Börse für Kunststoff-Rohstoffe

PVC Granulates Soft ShA 250T monthly
Angebot vom:13.09.2024
Material: PVC-w
Art: Restposten
Form: Granulat
Menge: 250 to
Logistische Daten:
Lieferung: frei Haus
Lagerort: Toruń, Poland
Good Morning,

We have for sale around 250T monthly of PVC ShA Granulates.

We can sell single pallets/big bags or full trucks.

- Packed Separetely
- Production Surplus (Great Quality)
- Positions usually 500kg - 48000kg
- Different colors
- Different ShA Hardness

You can ask me via email about current stock with photos and prices.

For more information You can contact me via e-mail: [email address on the right] or via WhatsApp +48512235878

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