Supplier of Machinery and Equipment

RJG Germany GmbH

Seligenstädter Straße 100
63791 Karlstein


Phone:    + 49 (0) 6181 4469611

Contact Persons


Business Consultant

Mr. Andreas Kieslich (

Mobil: +49 170 90 877 48

Additional Web Links
» RJG Inc.
Business Categories

Machinery Categories: Measuring and testing machines

Products in Detail:

Pressure Sensors, Cavity Pressure Sensors, Process Monitoring, Process Control, Quality Management, Hot Runner Balancing, Melt Pressure Sensors, Valve Gate Control

Pictures of the company and its products
Process Control and Monitoring with eDART
RJG Cavity Pressure Sensores
Company Profile

RJG is a recognized international leader in injection molding training, technology and resources.

The RJG eDART System™ revolutionized the industry by providing standardized parts processing and advanced diagnostic tools. A full complement of related products - sensors, installation kits, software modules and more - makes RJG an important supplier for companies looking to improve product quality and consistency, while optimizing efficiency and performance.

In addition, RJG provides both general interest and specialized training for injection molding professionals at all levels. Support and training are provided world-wide at RJG Regional Sales Offices throughout the world and via the Internet.

The RJG customer list includes progressive-minded companies in the automotive, medical, and general plastics processing segments.

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