Market Report Plastics

Information about the markets for plastics is being presented since December 2002. In this report you will find a detailed analysis of primary and secondary plastics markets. This market report is based upon news, information, data, and articles for plastics. The reports are provided for by the bvse - Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. (German Federal Association on Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Management). Author of the reports is Dr. Thomas Probst*

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*Thomas U. Probst. Study of chemistry at the TU München, diploma (M. Sc.) 1988, Ph. D. 1991, lecturer 1999. Since 08/2002 Senior Consultant at the bvse, i.e. the German Federal Association on Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Management. At the bvse Probst is mainly responsible for plastics recycling, toxic and hazardous wastes as well as biogene wastes. Since 08/2002 Probst is member of various scientific advisory boards. From 05/2005 to 12/2010 Probst was managing director of the Quality Association of Recyclates of Standard Plastics. In 2010 Probst was awarded as "The German Plastics Recycler of the Year" by the FKuR Plastics Corp. Willich, Germany. Moreover, Probst is managing the annual International Conference on Recycling of Plastics, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, which is meanwhile visited by more than 400 experts and clients.

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Reitz Technik GmbH
63599 Biebergemünd, Germany

57580 Gebhardshain, Germany

General-Industries Polymere GmbH
34123 Kassel, Germany

Holzmühle Westerkamp GmbH
49429 Visbek, Germany

3363 Neufurth, Austria

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