Subcontractors for Processing and Recycling of Plastics

Pekutherm GmbH

Chauvignystraße 19
65366 Geisenheim


Phone:    +49 (0) 6722 937703-0
Fax:    +49 (0) 6722 937703-9

Contact Persons



Mr. Heiko Pfister (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6722 937703-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6722 937703-9



Mrs. Jessica Kronier (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6722 937703-1
Fax: +49 (0) 6722 937703-9



Mrs. Joline Rahn (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6722 937703-2
Fax: +49 (0) 6722 937703-9


Kaufmännische Leitung

Mrs. Daniela Pfister (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6722 937703-4
Fax: +49 (0) 6722 937703-9



Mrs. Nicole Iaffaldano (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6722 937703-3
Fax: +49 (0) 6722 937703-9

Additional Web Links
» pekutherm Plastics GmbH
Business Categories

Subcontracting: Filling, Metall separation, Dust exstraction, Fine grinding, Mechanical processing, Reprocessing, Shredding, Sifting, Sieving, Sorting, Granulation, Packaging

Subcontracting in Detail:

We primarily produce pure regrinds and regranulates from technical thermoplastics like PMMA, PC, ABS, or SAN. Due to a production capacity of over 5000 MT per year, and a roofed warehouse and production area of more than 4000 sqm, we can meet every challenge. All of our five Herbold granulators are provided with metal detectors and cyclones. We do sorting of mixed plastics, and also remove or dismantle attached materials. Qualified staff and our internal quality management are a guarantee for a clean and reliable work flow and thus a 100% pure regrind. We can guarantee fast transactions, as we possess our own truck fleet and work together with high-capacity forwarding companies.

Pictures of the company and its products
Heiko Pfister, Managing Director
Company Profile

For more than 20 years, Pekutherm GmbH has been specializing in the recycling of plastic scraps and produces unblended, pure regrinds. The recycling of acrylic (PMMA) extrusion or injection moulding rests is the heart of our business. We especially recycle clear plastics under dust free conditions, so that they can be used again as high-quality materials.

TÜV-Süd zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb für das Sammeln, Befördern, Lagern und Behandeln von technischen Kunststoffabfällen.

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