Event details


Special platform for additive manufacturing within Moulding Expo

Trade Fair from 2015-05-05 to 2015-05-08

City/Country: Stuttgart, Messegelände Stuttgart, Germany

Contact: Carolin Beier, Tel: +49 0361 400-1820 (beier@messe-erfurt.de)


A road show for different indudtries:

Additive manufacturing technologies are crossover technologies that affect an ever-increasing number of different industries. Messe Erfurt developed Rapid.Area as a joint exhibition stand to give companies the opportunity to present themselves in a larger number of industries at a range of trade fairs.

With this mobile trade fair platform, Messe Erfurt is transferring its expertise in the area of additive manufacturing to marketplaces for industry. It will offer presentations in fields such as tool and mould making at Moulding Expo and laser technology at Lasys in Stuttgart, as well as medical technology at the Swiss Medtech Expo in Lucerne. Exhibitors shall thus benefit from high public exposure and lower costs.

Messe Erfurt is completely responsible for marketing the joint exhibition stand, taking care of everything from stand construction and catering to press and public relations. To cater for specialist visitors, it also offers a programme of talks on topics relevant to the specific sector.

(Description according to organiser information)

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Messe Erfurt GmbH

Gothaer Straße 34
99094 Erfurt



Email: info@messe-erfurt.de

Phone: +49 (0) 361 400-0
Fax: +49 (0) 361 400-1112

Further organisers:

Moulding Expo, Landesmesse Stuttgart

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