Plastic Product Hungary KFT, Hungary

9 current offers and requests

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  Contact information:

Plastic Product Hungary KFT

Soroksári út 150.
1095 Budapest

Contact: Mr. Tamas SZILY

Phone:+36 1 2976779

Selected maschinery categorie: Molds and tools » show all

Offer (07.10.2024, 12:35:07)

Gebrauchte Formen für die Herstellung von Plastikpantoffeln zu verkaufen
Molds and tools

Used molds for plastic slipper production



Offer (07.10.2024, 12:35:01)

Gebrauchte Spritzgussform zur DVD-Box-Produktion
Molds and tools

Used injection mold for DVD box production



Offer (07.10.2024, 12:34:47)

Gebrauchte Form für die Herstellung von Kunststoffboxen
Molds and tools

Used mold for card box production