Exchange for machinery and equipment

GMB#5888 (2007) 350 Ton Netstal PET 3500-3550R injection Molding Machine with Preform take out system, mold, material dryer and hopper, and de humidifier -complete system to produce PET preforms in USA
Offer from:2025-01-23
Categorie:Injection moulding machines
Manufact./Type:PET 3500-3550R
Price:336,350.00 €
Technical data:
Build in: 2007
Operating hours: 14.778 h
Power: 211,0 kW
Logistical data:
Location: United States
GMB#5888 (2007) 350 Ton Netstal PET 3500-3550R injection Molding Machine with Preform take out system, mold, material dryer and hopper, and de humidifier -complete system to produce PET preforms in USA

Brand: Nestal

Model: PET 3500-3550R

Year: 2007

Number of operating hours 14,778

Clamp force 350 metric tons

Maximum cavitation of mold 72

Injection force 1,158 kN

Mold space 500-900 mm

Nominal power 211 kW

Offer includes the following:

Netstal Preform Removal Robot

MHT 72 cavity mold to make 10.5 and 13.5 gram preforms with 26.7 mm neck finish

MHT 72 cavity take out plate

(2) Conair Model CGT-250 Material Dryers

Conair Resin Hopper

Conair/Munters Dehumidifier

Conair Material Dryer Systems Resin Dryer

Mezzanine for installation of preform drying and dehumidifying equipment

Condition- Excellent- very low operating hours

Location: USA
Price Exworks as is / where is


Garesco Machinery Brokers

1670 NW 82 Avenue
33191 Doral, Florida
 United States

Contakt: Mr. Octavio Augusto Garcia


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